Names and Numbers now provides “real-time” directory information in an app for today’s user-on-the-go! Access our mobile yellow pages and locate business addresses, phone numbers, web sites, emails, ads and other features. Our voice search allows you to interact in a way that makes finding the businesses you need easier.</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">姓名和电话号码,现在提供“实时”的目录信息,为今天的用户在一个应用程序上去吧!访问我们的移动黄页,找到经营地址,电话号码,网站,电子邮件,广告等多种功能。我们的语音搜索功能,让您以互动的方式,使找到你需要的业务更容易。</div> <div class="show-more-end">